Lapacho is also known under the name Taheebo, Pau d'arco, or Tree of Life. The infusion is made of the inner lining of the bark of the Lapacho tree. The tree grows high in the Andes of the South American rainforest. The Lapacho's inner bark was one of the main medicines used by the Incas and has been used for over 1,000 years by the Callawaya tribe, descendants of the Incas. It is said to have a positive effect on the immune system. However, this was not confirmed in clinical trials. Lapacho makes a pale yellow infusion and has a hint of spicy notes. The recommended method of preparation is to let the tea simmer on the stove for 5 minutes, and then steep it for another 15 minutes.
Ingredients: Lapacho, aka Tree of Life, aka Taheebo, natural orange flavour
Recommended: mornings and afternoons